Legal Notice

Legal Notice


Statutory provider details:

tic Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Endelner Feld 9

46286 Dorsten


Telephone: 02369-2085-0

Fax: 02369-2085-10


VAT ID: DE 198545802

listed in the commercial register of the Gelsenkirchen District Court

Commercial register no. HRA 3021

represented by the General Partner, tic Verwaltungs- und Beteiligungs GmbH

in turn represented by Managing Director Dr. Dipl.-Phys. Christian Kleeberg and Dipl.-Ing. Ingo Schnellenbach,

listed in the commercial register of the Gelsenkirchen District Court

Commercial register no. HRB 6396


Person responsible for content according to Section 55 of the German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (RStV):

tic Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Endelner Feld 9, 46286 Dorsten


Website legal information

All text, images, and published further information here are the copyright of the supplier, unless there are copyrights of third parties. In any case, copying, distribution or communication to the public is only allowed in the case of a revocable and non-transferable consent of the provider.
For all means of cross-references (links) connected web content provider assumes no responsibility, because it is not to our own content. The linked sites were checked for illegal content at the time of such links were not recognizable. Responsible for the content of linked pages their operators. The seller has this, no general monitoring and review requirements. Upon notification of a violation, the corresponding link will be removed immediately.